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About Rawateb.org

Rawateb.org is connected to the International WageIndicator Network.
Through wage information/labour law information/career advice we make sure that visitors are well-informed about jobs, salaries and the labour laws.


About WageIndicator Foundation – Share and Compare Wages, Labour Law and Career!
The WageIndicator Foundation was launched in 2001 to contribute to a more transparent labour market for workers and employers. It has a yearly outreach of over 25 million people worldwide. For more details on the work of Wageindicator Foundation, visit wageindicator.org


A more transparent labour market in principle improves the functioning of economies as a whole. WageIndicator believes every worker and employer should have free access to information about wages, labour laws and career. We collect and compare labour market information through on- and offline surveys and desk research. We share our findings and serve as an online up to date labour market library for millions worldwide. For global comparison WageIndicator is developing a global Collective Agreement Database, a global Minimum Wage Database, a global Decent Work Check and Map and a global Living Wage Database.    
WageIndicator believes this helps individual workers to fairly access the labour market and it helps employers to comply with national labour law. In some developing countries we even assist in mapping wage structures for the first time.
It is needed since many governments don´t have labour law and minimum wage information that is accessible or online. And if they do have it, it´s not always complete, or very difficult to understand. We try to keep our data up-to-date, understandable and comparable with other countries. In addition governments don’t dispose of information showing wage comparison by occupation. Apparently governments don’t consider this their task. However many people are interested in them.


Who are we?
The WageIndicator is a non-profit organisation. It started in The Netherlands and now operate in over 80 countries worldwide with a staff of some 100 specialists. The first WageIndicator website, Loonwijzer.nl, was an easy to use salary indicator for workers looking for information about wages. It was launched in The Netherlands in 2001 as a joint initiative by Paulien Osse, Director of the WageIndicator Foundation and Kea Tijdens, scientific coordinator of the WageIndicator and research coordinator at AIAS/University of Amsterdam.
Loonwijzer.nl quickly became a popular website for workers and job seekers looking for information on wages, collective agreements and career advice. Growing off our success in the Netherlands WageIndicator soon branched out to other countries in Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa.
The WageIndicator Foundation is assisted by world-renowned universities, such as University of Amsterdam and Harvard Law School, trade unions and employers’ organisations.
Those who work for WageIndicator consider each other family members. Face to face meetings are rare, but our online staff and network is strong, dedicated and loyal. Many WageIndicator specialists are working parents; therefore WageIndicator babies get a miniature Atlas of the World to welcome them as new members of our global family.

Data - collection, reliability and comparability
The WageIndicator collects real wage data, reflecting the going market rates for hundreds of individual occupations. They are based on data volunteered by participants in our online surveys. Moreover comparable offline surveys are held in 25 countries like Honduras, Senegal, Ethiopia, South Sudan where there is a minimum of internet access. The data is benchmarked with data from other sources. Minimum Wage data are collected per country and kept up to date and comparable by the WageIndicator international staff in Ahmedabad and Bratislava.

Collective agreements are collected with the help of national trade union confederations and employers’ organisations. The WageIndicator office in Dar es Salaam puts them online - coded and annotated in such a way that international comparison of trends and national labour law is possible. VIP data and national Labour Law data are researched and kept up to date by our international staff.
Our data is collected through the same salary survey in all countries. This means that all respondents are answering similar questions, although adapted to the national labour market. This is the basis for our benchmarking. This has been done from the beginning in 2001 and will continue in the same way. There is a need for international comparison of wages since people sometimes migrate, work abroad, or companies consider starting operations abroad. They should know what they embark on when they prepare a high risk move like starting somewhere else.

Work to be done and our dreams for the future
In more developed economies our most consulted service is the Salary Check by occupation. In less developed economies there is a huge demand for detailed minimum wage and labour law information, which we provide online and offline.
WageIndicator shows that labour law in many countries is often good enough, but compliance with the law is the real issue. Therefore WageIndicator offers complaint forms, mediation, a legal helpdesk and even a mobile judge.
If we continue to build strong relations with research institutes, governments, trade unions, workers and employers we keep on striving for a strong WageIndicator operation in all countries, making sure everybody gets a fair deal and can work under “OK” circumstances.

 Please complete  the salary questionnaire and  win a wage.


هو موقع يقوم بتقديم معلومات موثقة عن سوق العمل وعن الأجور فى مصر. يشتمل الموقع على إستطلاع الرأى الذى يعتبر  الوسيلة الرئيسية لجمع معلومات عن الرواتب فى مصر. يتم تحويل هذة المعلومات الى حاسبة الرواتب والتى تساعدك على معرفة الحد الأدنى الذى يجب أن تحصل عليه عن طريق إدخال بعض المعلومات عالتى تخصك وتخص وظيفتك.  Rawateb.org يعطى الموقع أيضا بعض المعلومات المحددة عن سوق العمل المصرىوالحقوق أو الواجبات الذى يجب أن يقوم به الموظف ومعلومات الحاصة بالحد الأدنى للأجور فى مصر. 
